Thursday, October 1, 2009

Local 6th grader to lobby for food allergy bill

My mom sent me this article about Lake Ille, a sixth grader at Wilson Elementary, who was selected to go to Washington to help lobby for a food allergy bill. The kids will urge legislators to pass the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Management Act, which calls for voluntary national guidelines to help schools manage students affected by food allergy and anaphylaxis, a serious, rapid allergic reaction that may cause death.

I was really impressed with Lake and his family, trying to make a difference for food allergic children. Rylie will be going to Wilson next fall, so it makes me feel good that he is making a positive impact and raising awareness. I still find myself in conversations where people hint that food allergy parents are over-reacting, or that food allergies are just media hype and not all that serious. I try to share our experiences and hope that it changes their mind.

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